Five tips for frazzled digital professionals

Working in digital is stimulating – possibly too stimulating at times. Here are some of the tips to help you do it in the long term.

If you’re working on digital, here are a few things your colleagues might think about you…

  • You know how to take a good selfie
  • You are on all the social media channels all the time
  • You’re great with numbers
  • You go to digital innovation conferences in your spare time
  • You have a fresh take on Elon
  • You’re very chill about tracking, tagging and AI


This is not me, and probably not you.

I’m sure there are a lots of fabulous digital number crunchers who inhale all the new things all the time, have that hot take on Elon and can take a hot selfie to boot, but I’m not here for them. I’m here representing the digital folk who just. want. to. stay. bloody. sane. Oh, and keep doing this beyond their thirties.

So, here are some of the tactics I’d like to share so you can keep doing digital in the long term.

(1) Be super strategic about personal profiles

Managing multiple social media accounts, a website, email marketing and exploring new digital avenues for a business means you probably haven’t got the need or desire be a thought leader or unbox things on TikTok. If personal branding is needed (for instance, you’re a consultant), be super strategic about the platform(s) you invest your time in and prioritise consistency over anything else – follow your own sage digital guru strategic advice, basically.

(2) Take rubbish photos

Otherwise your team will keep asking you to take the “team day out selfie”. And no-one wants to be that person.

(3) Sign up to these 3 newsletters…

Social Media Today, Matt Navarra’s Geekout, Sprout Social.

If your eyes hurt and your brain is like jelly, why on earth would you scroll even more to “stay up to date”? Read these bad boys as often as is sustainable to you.

(4) …or subscribe to these two podcasts

Social Minds – Social Media Marketing

Social Creatures – Sprout Social

Insert same logic as above.

(5) Step away from the screen

As a digital worker in this digital world, spend every moment you can connecting IRL. It’s super tempting to sink into your sofa and numb your brain with Netflix or YouTube, but resist this urge on the daily. Just like someone on a gluten-free diet, try to find digital substitutes as much as you can.