Category: Digital content

Social media likes icon on blue background
Canva Pro
Monitoring your digital channels shouldn’t “just” be about reporting to funders – if you build it in smartly, it can supercharge your digital work.
A social media "thumb down" formed by people, to demonstrate negativity on social media
Canva Pro
A practical guide to spotting trolls and crafting a “good” response to criticism on social media.
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Meta has been “quietly” cracking down on political content. What does it mean for campaigners and diversity online?
detective board, under license from Canva Pro
Canva Pro
Planning out what digital content I’ll create as part of a political or advocacy push feels like one of those crime scene boards you see in detective movies. A bit mad up close, but it all makes sense once you backtrack.
zoom call stock imagery
Canva Pro
Here are some ways I have found to help brand ambassadors and other spokespeople produce good digital content, without sacrificing authenticity.
street photography stock imagery
Canva Pro
Video content is still the "king" of social media content - but it doesn't have to be fancy.
Content creation stock imagery
Canva Pro
Algorithms are always changing, but the pillars of creating engaging content remain the same.